Monday, February 4, 2013

Awww crap, day 12

It's starting to hit home that we will soon have to leave the land of the Calusa, and seemingly never-ending sunshine.
Stress level is starting to ramp up... In a couple of days I'm going to have to start shovelling snow, humping wood for the fire everyday.... Not to mention travel for a full day with a newborn and toddler... I see an Atavan in my future.
As a cruel joke the temps will be the lowest in the next 10 days on the day we arrive.

Today was low key, one of the first days we haven't been to Sweet Bay for groceries. We went to the Estero Community Center which had a wicked big playground for Max. Nice big facility had a bunch of stuff, 3 beach vball courts and a big indoor gym.

After the naps we all went to our pool together. The end of day sun is always nice, the regulars and leatherbacks have usually moved on as the sun is no longer that damaging. Max was in for an hour and a bit and Nonie and I took turns.

Home for another nice meal (Nonie has out done herself for meals and planning this trip) and tablets/iPads for everyone. I did some work stuff, Nonie too, and Max looked at toy ads.

We looked at vacation rentals for next Christmas in Naples and Captiva, as well as new possible homes in NS depending on what happens to my job in the coming months.

Garbage day here tomorrow, Max is excited as it's an automated can picker-upper... We have a date tomorrow morning to watch.

We're still unsure what to do tomorrow, but it's feeling like another beach day... Maybe Naples again, or Lighthouse Beach on Sanibel.

Sadly our time is running out, the days of palms, blooms, mowers, pools, beaches, sand, sunscreen, sunglasses and AC will soon be replaced with salt stained shoes and pants, icy mounds, hats and gloves, windchill, shovelling, defrost, and filling the damn wood box. Sucks really, don't get me wrong, I love NS, and I love being Canadian, we just drew the short straw on long winters.

Time to start worrying about the details again, the baby rental stuff, cleaning out Kathleen's place, checking work emails, not leaving this nice condo in a state, sigh, 2 weeks disappear pretty quickly down here.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Damn you day 11, you're pushing me back to the snow

Nice day, we were out the door early for Naples.
First stop was the twinkle twinkle store to return baby stuff we rented but didn't use, then off to lowdermilk park for some beach time. Saw some dolphins, osprey and pelicans.... And nothing but blue sky.

Drove around Naples. Gordon Road... Crazy amounts of wealth, how many presidents can there be? The houses, one after another, were palatial. Seriously, what do they do for a living??

Home in time to buy beer, go for a swim, have a great meal, and watch a bit of the game.

NS is getting whomped today with snow... Gotta say, not looking forward to heading back to the deep freeze.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 10 slides under the bridge

Sorry, info has been slow these last 2 days. They have both been kinda low key. Some shopping was done at Miromar again last night, but mainly days were filled with pools, walks, repeat.

A funny thing happened yesterday. I was on the phone with Blair Mellor in Yarmouth trying to get a garbage disposal installed, when Max grabbed his lambie and left the condo in search of a visit with Margaret, the neighbour. Nonie was tending to Corrigan and I was on the phone... Before we knew it, the door was open and Max was gone...some minor freaking took place. Max had gone and gently tapped on Margaret's door. When located he was quietly chatting with Margaret over the contents of her curio cabinet...specifically a street car music box. In all fairness, he and I had been down there earlier chatting with Margaret in her place, and he had mentioned that he was off there again while I was on the phone, I told him he'd better knock, jokingly.... D'oh, the start of the wandering. To alleviate any reader's fears, lighthouse bay (LHB) where we are must be one of the safest places on the planet. A guarded, gated community that is strictly enforced, filled to capacity with grandparents longing to see their own grand babies .... We're all good. Oh, and it turns out that "Corrigan" is Margaret's maiden name! How's that for coincidence!

We have come to the realization that going to the beach with a newborn is more difficult than anticipated... It has affected our beach exploring.

Today we made an effort to get out of the walled garden that is LHB. Nonie found a park north toward Sanibel with a miniature train, playground, and kiddie water park. The place was huge. Max and I rode a miniature train, we had a nice picnic, and played in the water park. He passed out like a stone when we got home.

A terrific meal was whipped up by Noonums (again, some vacation huh?) and a nice family walk around the LHB to finish the evening. Max ran the whole time (40 min). He was totally charged by being in his jammies and his light up shoes that late (dark) at night.

So here we are, thinking of our poor NS brethren under snow while we all walk in shorts and jammies in the twilight.

Tomorrow we're heading to Naples for beaches and shopping.

Hope you're all well.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 7 under the transom

Wow, what a day. Dolphins, egrets, white pelicans, brown pelicans, osprey and deep in the heart of tarpon country.... Somewhere there is a dolphin wearing my (actually Nonie's...sorry) Oakleys.

The day started quickly, not how we usually move. We were out the door, packed, ready and sunscreened at 0915. We were to meet John Carroll at the launch beside the Sanibel Island causeway. For those that know us, believe it or not, we were on time, even early.... I know, shocker...

After some quick intros we were off to North Captiva. It was blowing like stink today, and it's a long fetch so it was a lumpy run even in the Cat... It would've been downright uncomfortable in a monohull. All hands bumped around a bit, but happy. Corrigan slept like a rock, and even Max was sedate. We tooled in by a new restaurant on North Captiva... Strangely, here were all sorts of dead fish on the water? By all sorts I mean 20+, odd. John claimed it was red tide.

Next stop Cabbage Key, formally owned by Rinehardt, an author, now the same dwelling is a restaurant known from the Jimmy Buffet song a cheeseburger in paradise. Max was out of his mind as there was a huge tortoise eating lettuce and tomatoes on the deck, and a 4! foot long rat snake...!

Another cool thing about this bar was that the walls were covered in money. People come, sign their names on a bill and post it. Each year they tear them all down and give it to charity... I'm talking 50k... The story is that an older fisherman who liked his drink, in times of good money would staple a few bucks to the wall and write his name on it so that another time when he was broke could still have a drink or two.

The rip home didn't seem to take long and we were 35 knots right into the wind the whole way back. It was less bumpy than the run out. It was this leg, while securing a hatch that the Oakley sunnies I have been mocking Nonie about for years, blew off my head into the drink.... Bloody hell

We were going to go to lighthouse beach, but we were all tired so...home to LHB for a swim and supper.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 6 draws to a close with Lovers Key

First let me say, last night was pure torture... Max went to be at 8, then up yelling for me at 11, I didn't respond, which pisses him off further. The yelling finally pulled me out of bed at 1230... Poor bugger had thrown all his blankets over the edge and was shivering due to a ceiling fan... Now I feel like a shit, so I brought him into bed.... Bad idea... That monkey didn't sleep a wink till 5ish, and he spurred me with feet, knees, and elbows till at least then. Now, I'm POed so I put him back in the crib at 0500... At 0600 he is upset cause he has pee'd the bed.... :(

Despite the horrible night, I want to be sure he had an active day so he sleeps tonight. I don't want him to be a monster on the boat tomorrow. Off to the beach!!!

With this Keureg coffee/tea maker (which I'm really starting to love) and some work emails and a face time visit from Adrian we were late getting going. The good news is we closed down Lovers Key, we didn't leave the beach till it was all but abandoned.

For those who have never been to the Gulf coast, let me give you my feelings. The water isn't as clear as you imagine the Caribbean Sea, and no swell, but plenty of wind waves, and piles and piles of shells.... It is unbelievable how many shells. The beach is literally made of shells. Now don't let me make you think that there is no sand, there certainly is. Max and I felt like gold rush pioneers panning for shells when pouring bucket loads of water on the sand exposing the shells below.... Fun stuff. I would suggest some beach shoes for those tenderfoots, as there was a berm of shells you needed to cross to get to the water's edge.

This is the portion of the blog where I rant a bit. I think I understand the whole Republican, Democrat dislike. Today while reclined on a chair trying to enjoy a sandwich my lovely wife had made, a god damn seagull pulled it ( yes, pulled it!) from my hand...what a ballsy little bastard. And there were piles of them... So while swinging madly, hoping to Dave Winfield one of those little bastards, one promptly took a dump on my foot.... So, I know that is quite a leap to compare the GOP and Democrats, but the GOP is always whining about handouts and the welfare state, so if you squint, and cock your head a bit, you can get the reference. GOP is the sandwich, seagulls the democrats... If that's their limited understanding, then I guess I can understand their anger.

It's now 8ish, I'm burnt to a crisp, and enjoying it. Corrigan, who slept soundly at the beach between feedings is passed out beside me, Max was out like a light, and even Nonie, the queen of white Canadians got some sun...and provided ogling entertainment for a frenchie in a wheel chair while breast feeding.

A great day in SW Fla.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 5 full day

So I didn't post yesterday... Yesterday was one of those days that make you think twice about parenthood.
MadMax was with us for most of the day, he was with me from 0445 till 0725 alone screaming....good lord. On an up note he has apologized a few times for being mean yesterday .

Not much happened yesterday, pool, walk, nap, pool again, supper, bed ... Life in the south.

On our walkabout we met a nice couple working in one of the garden plots, tending to their tomatoes. Max was quite concerned about the model turtle in their garden with poo coming from its bum....? The lady politely exclaimed that no, young Max, that is the turtle's tail .... Max laughed uproariously at this foolishness and exclaimed again that it was just poo.... Sigh.

Nice shake and bake chicken meal and early bed. The humidity is up now and the lanai is warm even at night .

Today is recycle day, so all the grey haired keeners have their boxes out at 5 the day before? Trying to keep up with the Joneses I too put ours out before dark, but then realized the foolishness when I had to make a few trips in jammies to place things in the bin before an 11 am pickup today.

Off to the pool for a swim and some sun. Barb and George, a nice older couple who are quite taken with Max dropped by the pool with their dog Sammie for Max to see. George is also sure that Nonie and I should buy their condo, then rent it back to them... 300k oh boy... They're having an open house on the weekend, we probably will drop by for a look.

John Carroll has emailed, we have a boating date on Wednesday morning beside the Sanibel causeway... I'm psyched.

Max is napping, Nonie is painting her toenails, Corrigan is asleep... All is as it should be in SW Florida .

Up from nap, we're all off to Miromar retail therapy HQ... The place has a lot of shops and fountains ... I didn't do any purchases, but Nonie did well at Gap and Under Armour. Max had a goo time at 'play land' and added to his list, and mosaic of injuries with a Fresh skinned knee. He did happen to pick up a little Philippine language while watching the begging Coy....I guess I shoulda taken a photo.

See you tomorrow.